AT Museum Programs - 2019

Public Programs @ Appalachian Trail Museum

Each weekend between Memorial Day and Labor Day (usually 2:00pm on Saturdays or Sundays) the A.T. Museum will present Public Programs.  Each presentation will cover a different topic of interest dealing with hiking, the A.T., the local area or something fun. 

//Programs are free and open to the public...Donations are appreciated.
//Children 12 years of age and under must be accompanied by an adult.
//Weather permitting and when appropriate, programs will be held outdoors on the grounds of the museum.
//Public is encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets for seating.
//Plan to arrive early and ask at the museum for program location.
//Programs are subject to change.  Visit this blog or for current information.  

//Saturday, August 3rd @ 1:00pm


Presented by Maine author and historian Jeffrey Ryan

When Jim Whyte settled outside the slate mining town of
Monson, Maine in 1895, people hardly knew what to make of
him. Almost 130 years later, we still don’t. A world traveler that
spoke six languages fluently, Whyte came to town with sacks
full of money and a fierce desire to keep to himself. It was
clear that Whyte was hiding from something—enough to make
even the FBI eventually come looking. But even the Feds
couldn’t imagine how Whyte, who lost every penny he had when WWI broke out, amassed
another fortune before he died. Based on the true story, Hermit follows one man’s quest to
discover all he can about Whyte’s secret life before it’s too late.


//Saturday August 17, 2019 @ 2:00pm

“Best of Madagascar”
    Join Joyce Appel and Paul Henry for a slide show presentation on the “Best of Madagascar.” Highlights of the month long trip to the 4 corners of Madagascar include hikes in the rainforest, climbing in the desert, 5 day wilderness dugout canoe trip, and exploring exotic beaches. See animals, plants, and geological features found no where else! Experience a different world with a different life.

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